About Alexandr

Self Portrait 2021
The person that made the website you’re on

I’m Alexandr. I write, I draw, I cook, and I run tabletop games.

I initially made this site to post recaps for the players of my current D&D campaign, but it soon became a catch-all for more or less anything I write that doesn’t have a home elsewhere. Then I decided to make it a site for our podcast. You know how it is. Roll History (this site) is RPG focused, but it’ll probably get other, unrelated bits posted too, because my brain is the way it is.



A passion for writing fiction is the reason this site turned out how it did. How can I turn the RPGs I run into a way to flex the ol’ writing muscles?


Here’s my number one tip for making your food taste better: season it earlier


A stunningly rendered picture of a duck, demonstrating my artistic prowess


I’ve been running games for over a decade. I’ve got a background in theatre and improv, which helps, and I can say without ego that I’m a pretty good DM.

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