Articles and Miscellaneous Bits!

This page is a collection of the miscellaneous bits of writing or ideas on here

Star Wars, Morality, and the Insidiousness of the Force

I’m back to hyperfixating on Star Wars because my autistic ass accidentally looked at a picture of a lightsaber. And as I usually do when I’m into something, I began planning a tabletop RPG campaign – I’ve got this concept for the antagonist that’s rooted in a particular frustration I have with Star Wars: the…

The Dungeon Master & Magician’s Guilt

Being the DM is hard. That’s probably the most lukewarm take imaginable, but it’s true; you have to run the game and be ready for questions like ‘What happens if I drink the slime?’ But… is it really that hard? It’s simple if you know the tricks, right? This is the Magician’s Guilt.



If the Caliber Institute itself doesn’t police the raising of the dead, then what does? Surely there must be those who make sure there aren’t Necromancers running all over the place, or we’d be up to our eyeballs in eyeballs, on account of all the zombies. It can’t just be one person, because it’s a…

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